Be Extraordinary the Possibilities are Endless!
Welcome to my website!

We are all searching for information and wondering what is true.
Through my search for truth and healing on many levels I have discovered amazing techniques and resources to enrich my life daily. It is my hope to share these many resources in an environment where you can ask questions, practice techniques and learn what best resonates with you.
It has been my experience that when we get caught up in our Humanness, we have difficulty trusting or listening to our Beingness. Trust your path...its perfect!
Through my search for truth and healing on many levels I have discovered amazing techniques and resources to enrich my life daily. It is my hope to share these many resources in an environment where you can ask questions, practice techniques and learn what best resonates with you.
It has been my experience that when we get caught up in our Humanness, we have difficulty trusting or listening to our Beingness. Trust your path...its perfect!
I am so excited to announce that I am retiring from teaching for the public and am developing my "Spiritually Based Business" starting in June. I hope to do classes on line, have Skype recording sessions, and develop my Blog into a more dynamic tool for all of you. Come on the journey of living in Extraordinary Connection with your intuition and being able to witness the miracles in your own lives.
It is amazing what power we have to co-create EXTRAORDINARY LIVES! Marypat
It is amazing what power we have to co-create EXTRAORDINARY LIVES! Marypat